You Don’t Own You

19 What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

                                                                                       ~ 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 NKJV

The most precious of jewels are never paraded around for all to have access. Now, I don’t mean your already-pricey jewelries that are found in stores. I mean those EX.PEN.SIVE jewels that are hidden in those bank basements behind the bulletproof vaults, inside the triple identification safes. Those ones that you can’t even request to see unless your bank account is hitting quite some digits. 

You can only imagine how priceless and rare these gems are viewed to be. In reality, these are simply tiny tiny metals and minerals that are found in the earth, yet are considered invaluable.

In the sight of our HUGE God, This is you and I.

We are that priceless purchase in the sight of God, our Creator. We were individually and uniquely crafted in the image of the Almighty. Even angels, angels who are stronger and slightly higher than we are, have been found guilty of being jealous of God’s love for we His creation. The Bible tell us God loves us with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3) But why is it we do not place this immeasurable value on ourselves?

Why is it we put our bodies on window display for the world to see and have easy access to? Why is it we speak perversely and think negatively about ourselves? Why is it we give people the opportunity to try us on and use us for free and return us as they please like retail clothing?

Don’t we know who we are? Don’t we know WHAT we are? 

A change in identity perception is the beginning of glorifying God with all that we are and have. Our bodies, lifestyles, and even possessions are not our own. I don’t own me anymore than you own you. We were bought at a price none of us can very well afford, but we can take pride in carrying ourselves as rarities. As EX.PEN.SIVE! 

Below are a 7 tips to help us carry ourselves as Royalty!

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;"

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

1.) Know who YOU are…in Christ: 

Knowing who we are is the beginning of carrying ourselves as royalty. More importantly, knowing who God say we are. When we know that, we know that all other voices that are contrary (even our own lots of times! AMEN! lol) need to be shut down immediately. Our claim to the throne comes from nothing we did or could ever do. It simply comes from receiving Christ as our Lord and Savior and becoming heirs to His kingdom with Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:17) Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross, we became the righteousness of God and His children. That is where our royalty comes from. So we need to know who God says we are, by reading the Word and praying, so no one and nothing else can tell us what we’re not! 
This also builds our confidence in ourselves and God, and lessens comparison to others. 

2.) Know GOD for yourself: 

This goes hand-in-hand with tip #1. If we do not have a relationship with God, (I mean a real one, not one of those lukewarm ones) He won’t be able to direct us the way He wants and give us everything our hearts desire. Royals should lack nothing and they have to carry authority in order to be recognized as royalty. Knowing the Lord our God allows us to do great things. (Daniel 11:32b) Seeking God’s kingdom AND His righteousness first also gives us total access to everything else we could need and want. (Matthew 6:33)
Now, if we have no relationship with our Father the highest King, we have no claim to the throne or anything else in His kingdom in heaven or here on earth! Only those who receive, believe and represent Him have a right to be called His children. (John 1:12) And believe me, if we are making the attempt daily, our merciful God does not turn anyone genuine away. He WANTS to be our Father. He WANTS us to know Him. 
Do not forget that this does not happen overnight. Knowing God is a journey! (Follow us on IG and subscribe to our mailing list to join a community of youth on this journey! We give each other tips, Scriptures, pray for each other and keep each other accountable in building our relationships with God.)

3.) Strive to become your BEST self: 

In books or movies that royal families are depicted, they are always pampered, given the best clothes, food, education, etc. Always this idea that they need nothing but the best. It shows a higher standard of living due to their position and authority. There is a certain perception the world needs to see about them.
In a similar way, we need to strive for the best for ourselves. Now, this does not mean strive to be the richest person in the world with the best clothes only eating the fanciest food and having an honorary doctorate in everything. No, that’s not the kind of King we are kids to. He wants to give us what’s best FOR US, and that looks different for us all. God is not interested in the worldly things we can attain. He just needs us to be the best version of our lives on earth, in every season, good or bad. A ‘best’ that represents Him well while we are here and allows us to fulfill the purpose willed for us.
That means to take care for ourselves! Daily striving to be our best in the way God has given us the grace to be. Build up our esteems and confidence. Learn new skills. Showcase our God-given gifts and talents. Edify ourselves in the Word and in other forms of knowledge. Build relationships and connections. Make memories and enjoy our time here on earth in a Godly manner. Try to stay hygienic and clean. Put effort in the way we present ourselves to the outside world. When they see us, they are seeing a representation of Christ and the Church. This will not FEEL like an all-the-time thing but BE YOUR BEST as well as you can!

4.) Be likeable AND teachable: 

Not everyone will like us, and that’s the way we want it. When Jesus was on earth, He was liked by many. Like MANY, many people. His fame literally spread throughout the earth. Those who hated Him did so because of the conviction that came along with the Christ. Wherever He went, He was doing good, meeting needs and bringing people, God. Some people did not like how he loved sinners the way they didn’t or that He would associate Himself with those ‘lower’ than He and several other reasons why haters hate.
Still, He displayed qualities of a likeable person that the right people wanted to be around. His goal was never to impress anyone. We need to understand our positions of authority are not ours so we can look down on others who do not yet know who they are in Christ. It is to build up the people around us and share the love and salvation of Christ with the world. We shine so people see Christ in us, not US!
Let’s make it a point to be likeable, teachable and kind. Have a consistent personality and simply be ourselves, who God has created you and I to be. Like my pastor always says, ‘Human Resources’ are a necessity in this race and authorities like Esther and David could not have reach their places of royalty without the people who rose up and favored them!

5.) Be aligned with your PURPOSE: 

Nobody is promised tomorrow, but everyone is promised a purpose. There is a reason why you and I are here. Even the rain that falls, if it’s just for one second, there was a reason; something it rained on that needed that. We need to ask God for our purpose and then align ourselves with it. 
The plan and will of God for our lives will always be best which is why, as His children, that is the way we should pursue. Just like prophet Jeremiah, God knew us even before we were formed in the womb and set a path for us based on how He created and graced us. (Jeremiah 1:5)
The Creator of the whole world chose to make US in His image, anoint US, call US. The least we can do is trust His plan.

6.) Exhibit the Fruits of the Spirit: 

The Fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) Children of the MOST HIGH KING need to look and act like the King. Just like the genetic relation to our biological parents, there must be evidence that the Blood of Jesus flows through our veins!
These fruits are how His Spirit is expressed through us to the world. How we treat people and how we act represent whose children we are, so if we want to embody royalty, we must bear these fruits!

7.) Keep yourself BUSY: 

We should always have something going for us. Don’t be idle. Idleness leads to laziness and allows the devil room to fill our thoughts and use our time for his own gain. This may not allow us to fill or maintain our positions of authority well. 
If you need something to do, never look too far. Look into yourself and find things you are already good at. Those passions and ideas we believe God is laying on our hearts, those things. Take them and be creative. Turn it into a business or a hobby you can share with other people. Find a way to have something going for you at all times.
A rule of thumb is to have something you do for fun, something you do that keeps you connected with God, something that makes you money, and something that keeps you fit. Then you incorporate your self care and mental days and you will be good to go living each day to the fullest in the royalty God has bestowed upon you!
~Stay Sweet, Royals!

Remember to comment down below about how you implemented these steps and connect with the Fam! We all need motivation from one another! Love you Sweetly, Royals!


Remember to follow me on Instagram! Check out my Pinterest account for some inspiration and motivation! Feel free to add your favorite uplifting music to our collaborative Spotify playlist!

9  But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into Him marvelous light

10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. ” ~ 1 Peter 2:9  NKJV

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