Relationships worth fighting for

Relationships Worth Fighting For

"The righteous should choose his friends carefully,
For the way of the wicked leads them astray."

Prayers for Godly Relationships

1. Separate me from the wrong people

2. Surround me with people who love You and desire to live like You

3. Give me the grace to be someone I would want to relate with

4. God give me the ability to love and see everyone the way You do

5. Deliver and heal me from past relationship hurts and disappointments

6. Help me be faithful to and receive faithfulness from people in times of adversity

Answer me this, what does God find to be most important in our lives: the destination or the journey? Yes, He pays special attention to both answers, but the most important aspect may actually be neither of these. Instead, the most important part of life is the company you keep along the journey of reaching the destination God has set. The relationships, most importantly the one you build with Him, but also with the people He has loaned us while here on earth.

We should cherish the people in our lives dearly. This comes in the form of friends, spouses, siblings, family, mentors, authority, colleagues, shepherds, and on and on. Those relationships we take time to build. The one’s we think on and can’t help but smile at memories made, conversations had, and experiences shared. We ought to cherish those one’s that God has blessed us with, because we never know when He will call any of us back home.

But, not everyone is meant to have the same level of access to us. God’s intentions were never for us to mingle with any and everyone because some people will not be of edification to us. Instead, He intends for His children to be set apart; Separate from relations that defile the soul, war against His Spirit within, and submit to lusts of the flesh.

It is to our benefit to keep relationships that glorify God, help us fulfill His purpose and will together, and sharpen us when needed. In this world, all material things are vanity. When our bodies expire, we are leaving just as we came, naked with no physical possession. But the memories we made, relationships we built and experiences shared are what really matter in the end. When you have been given Godly relationships, do not take them lightly. All we have is each other and those kinds of relationships are worth fighting for.


Why Choosing the Right People Matter

I can throw all kinds of scriptures out about what ungodly association and counsel can lead to, like Samson and Delilah, Jonadab and Amnon, or King Jehoshaphat and King Ahab. There are countless examples from the Bible and present day of alliances that resulted in destruction, depression, distraction, deception and disappointment for people. But deep down, with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we all know why keeping the right people around matters. It is because rotten company spoils things

It rots good character. It dulls what is meant to be an enjoyable life. It manipulates and confuses. It distracts and holds back. It portrays false interpretation of God’s will for your life. Rotten company, it spoils the journey AND the destination. 

Fight hard to keep the right people around, pray harder to keep the wrong one’s away!


Check Yourself

Before diving into which kind of amazing people you need surrounding you, make sure you are one of those amazing people. We cannot treat people poorly and expect God to align His upright children, with you. He is not a wicked God. In His mercy, God does send good company to those in need of it in attempts to change their heart, but He may not want to and risk the heart of another child. 

No one is perfect, we are all just striving for perfection with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. So what kinds of characteristics do you want in your new Godly friends? That new Godly potential spouse? How would you like your colleagues, peers and family to treat you? Do you possess such? Do you treat people that way?


Relationships Worth Fighting For

It is easier to see bad qualities we do not want associating with us, but now which good and Godly qualities should we look for and be INTENTIONAL in keeping in our lives?

1. Honesty

Honest people breed honest relationships. They recognize there is no love in deception, but want the best for one another by being truthful in the Spirit of gentleness and respect. In the journey ahead, there will be straight paths, slippery roads, mountains, valleys, thorny roads, fields of roses and more. The last thing we NEED is to be surrounded by lies, mockery, false flattery, miscommunication, backbiting, and the many negatives that come with lying tongues.

2. Reciprocity

One of the worst things people tend to do is expect substance they can give but refused to. This includes respect, time, kindness, and more. Sometimes I will need you. Other times you will need me. Relationships that reciprocate in respect, genuineness, love, prayer, support, etc, are always moving forward because effort is put in by all parties. It shows maturity that everyone is fighting for the maintenance of the relationship. Watching our for reciprocity can element being taken advantage of and manipulated.

3. Love

Loving people are the one’s we need to spend the rest of our lives with. Even when mistakes our made, when our bad colors show, when misunderstandings arise, LOVE COVERS IT! Love is the reason why you would be able to move past any negatives and look to the future, still seeing the best and the Christ in one another.

4. Accountability

Do not overlook a person who takes responsibility for their actions, and elements in their lives! This quality speaks volumes on maturity and wisdom. In life, people will make mistake. In life, unexpected situations will arise. These are the facts. Someone who is accountable will show the importance of their relationships by being responsible for the way they handle situations, speak and address people, and live. You can also rely on one another to keep each other in check with sin, prayer and even character development. Being accountable on earth is just practice for when we must make accounts to God in heaven. 

5. Modesty

Modesty is more than how people dress. It is a lifestyle of meekness, self-control, and compliance to the will of God for man. Treasure modest people. They lead you away from pride, lust of the eyes, rash choices, and perversity. They see deeper meaning to life than just the material objects to be acquired. This does not mean you will be unfulfilled in the relationship or in life together. It means you will find fulfillment in the glory of Christ and richness of Spirit. 


Thank you so much for reading, Royals! 

Remember to comment down below any examples, more qualities to look for and stay away from and connect with the Family! We all need motivation from one another! Love you Sweetly, Royals!


Remember to follow me on Instagram! Check out my Pinterest account for some inspiration and motivation! Feel free to add your favorite uplifting music to our collaborative Spotify playlist!

4 “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

~ John 15:12-13 NKJV

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