Positioned to be Found

"Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord."
~Proverbs 19:14 NKJV

Prayers of Positioning:

1. Lord, please help me develop the genuine qualities found in women of Your Spirit. 

2. Divinely position me in the right place at the right time for my husband to locate me.

3. Allow me to focus on worshipping, serving and knowing You, while waiting for the man after Your own heart to take me by the hand into the forever you have planned for us.

 4. Heal me from past hurts and mindsets. I need to go into this season with a refreshed heart and mind.

5. Give me the ability to practice submission, self-control and discernment.

6. Give me the strength to flee from sexual immorality before being covenanted to my husband. 

Prayers for your husband:

1. God, help my husband to know You, hear You and be seeking me where you intend for him to find me.

2. Water the Fruits of Your Spirit within him.

3. Help him let go of any pain from his past, so it will not hinder him from the blessings in our future.

4. Protect him from anything and anyone that was not sent from You. Give him clarity so the desires of his heart bring him closer to You and Your will for his life.

5. Bless and groom the king deep inside him that is awaiting full manifestation of Your glory.

6. Let him understand and believe his worth in You so he won’t be afraid to pursue. I pray he will pray, work, serve, and minister as he is seeking me.

7. I know You, Lord, have prepared our way. Please prepare him for the journey ahead as a valorous man, husband, father, minister and all You have ordained him to be. 



Rebekah. Esther. Ruth. 

Women who were divinely positioned by God to be located by the men who would love them, cherish them, support them. The bones of their bones and the flesh of their flesh. Their husbands. These women allowed the move of God in their seasons of waiting, so they can receive the BEST God had in store for them. 

By doing so, they were able to fulfill the purpose placed in their hands and the obligations of a woman in her home, as modelled by God throughout the Bible. If you so desire, there is a glorious purpose of God for your life, and a Godly and worthy man attached to it.

As a virtuous woman, you are worth more than the most priceless jewels this earth can produce. (Proverbs 31:10-12) When found, you bring goodness, increase, favor and peace to your husband, home and all who come in contact with you. In the very Beginning, God had only created man, which was good. But as Adam was working in the garden God placed him in, God saw it was not good that he was alone. There was something incredibly crucial missing, a help meet. A void that could only be filled by woman.

Just like Eve, you were created to assist man in fulfilling their role as men and leaders. To become a neck for the head to rely on, and a priestess to the priest of your home. In doing this, there is no option to make a mistake in choice. You must allow God to bring you to the man appointed to seek you and hand you over Himself. (Genesis 2:22

Like Eve, women who desire to marry, and marry well, are assigned with the task of waiting. Waiting for their God-chosen men to seek and find them at the APPOINTED time. This requires you to follow in the footsteps of the Godfearing women who have done it in the past, with the understanding that the best things in life are worth waiting for. 

In Genesis 2, there are many lessons to be taken from the creation of Eve, and her joining to Adam in the garden. But three left a lasting impression: 

One, Eve was the only thing comparable to Adam. (Genesis 2:20b) Literally the only living thing, created by the Creator, that can be likened unto man, is woman. Not any women either, because despite the crucial roles of mothers, aunts, grandmother, female mentors and friends, the virtuous wife of a man holds the highest position and value. That is a testament to the vitality of the role wives can play in the lives of their husbands. It is a role no one else can fill for them, so you must strive do it well. Two, women were made from man. Completely the same way as man but with bodies that would allow each to fulfill their respective purposes. We are equal in the sight of God, both made in the image of God, and equal in value to God. Our roles and abilities simply differ at times. So while husband is head of the household, you are the neck. You are also the crown upon his head. A partner, a treasure, a blessing and nothing less. Understand this for yourself. Also understand that any man who does not get this, is not for you. Three, God brought Eve unto Adam. God led the way and used Adam and Eve as the first example of what it means to cleave to a woman. Eve allowed God to bring her to Adam. In a likewise manner, allow God to take the lead in this season. What you call a waiting season is what God calls pruning season. He is using this time to mold you, as He did Eve, so He can bring you to the one He has appointed to seek you.

Now, there are many women in the Bible who were obedient to God’s will and positioned where their husbands found them. Many tips and lessons must be taken from such women, seeing as there are those who did not position themselves rightly, as well. 

Marriage according to the intentions of God, is much bigger than the two people being covenanted. It is a portrayal of God’s immense love for the Church. This is what makes obedience to God’s positioning crucial in this waiting season. God’s way is the Best way!

Below are a few ways to rightly allow God to position you!

1. Know God for YOURSELF! –> 
As much as you may hear these four words, it can NOT be stressed enough. Let them become more than words in you. Become someone who can stand in the knowledge of God and His Word. Without being able to recognize when and how God speaks to you, mistakes can be made in terms of who’s leading who. Allow God to take the lead, not yourself by knowing Him for who He is. 

Read your Bible DAILY. Build Godly character that you can someday pass on to your home and generations. Fast and Pray, often and always. Becoming a wife is not all fun and laughs. Often, wisdom and understanding will be needed to maintain peace in the marriage. AND there will be battles that need fighting. A woman of faith who kneels before God, consistently, can stand in the face of anything! Trust in God: He has already prepared the way, He is just preparing you!

2. Be Open! –>

Tear up that list lady! Ok, not completely, but there are certain things on that list that are non-negotiables when they shouldn’t be, and vice versa. 6-feet, 6-pack, 6-figures ain’t always from the Lord! Men are appointed to go out, with the guidance of the Lord, to seek and pursue you. That takes such a level of boldness and courage that may not come easy to all men. Being closed-minded due to pride and unreasonable thinking, can easily push your right person away. 

There is also a level of effort you have been tasked with putting into your positioning as well. Ruth was given instructions from the Godly woman figure in her life, and obeyed. By positioning herself where she was told, she reaped a blessing larger than barley. She received Boaz. (Ruth 3) She did not do the seeking of a husband. But, little did she know that the working, serving and obeying was God putting her into Boaz’s field of vision. 

She put herself out there without being obsessed and desperate for a relationship or marriage. She was open and making the effort without doing the pursuing. As a woman, you can showcase your value without chasing men. You can have a radiant appearance or exhibit the fruits of a Godly women. You can have a beautiful personality and an infectious attitude. Rebekah had these, and she did not miss Abraham’s servant sent to find her as a wife for Isaac. (Genesis 24) Being open brings you into the field of vision of the one seeking you, without you having to do the most or assume the role of the man. 

3. Strive to be your most attractive self! –>

Upkeep of a woman does not equate to being high maintenance. It is merely appreciating and choosing not to neglect the thought and care God put into creating you! This means physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and all the rest. 

This could look different for everyone! Check out this post for tips on bringing the Queen in you to the surface!


4. Beware WRONG positioning! –>

 There are a variety of factors that cause women to become misaligned from the one God has seeking them. 

For instance, trying to go behind God and choose a spouse for yourself is a symptom of pride. You are saying “Lord, I trust You and all, but not with this. I got this one. I know what I like.” You did not know what you liked when God was creating you. See HE knew you from BEFORE you were even formed. (Jeremiah 1:5) He did not call for help when deciding how to create Eve exactly the way Adam needed, but never even knew he needed. God’s got your back so do not try to go behind His and in turn miss the best He has for you. 

In the case of Queen Esther, there were stages in her process that could have disqualified her from the throne. Instead, she was obedient to the every word of those who were wiser, like Mordecai (Esther 2:20), or held the right positions, like Hegai (Esther 2:15). Obedience and favor uplifted her to her king, to the throne and to a position that secured the deliverance of her people. A woman that practices submission, self-control and wisdom, is one that will never have to demand respect or power. They will not be misaligned because people will rise up just for the sake of their fulfillment and manifestation!

Now, many women do not intend to wrongly position themselves in this season and is why special care and discernment should be taken so this does not happen. Some women unintentionally mistaken red flags for green ones. The devil is a deceiver and illusionist. He would rather women close their eyes to violence, terrible tempers, pride, selfishness, and like attributes not found in the kings God has for His queens. 

This is what makes point #1 a non-negotiable! When God is directing and positioning you, you can NOT miss the BEST He is preparing you for!

Thank you so much for reading, Queens! 

Remember to comment down below if and how you implemented these tips, other tips you want to share with women in this season and connect with the Family! We all need motivation from one another! Love you Sweetly, Royals!


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4 “An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,”

~ Proverbs 12:4a NKJV

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