Hey Royals!

Esther Here!!!

Welcome to Sweet Taste of Royalty, beautiful Kings and Queens!

A Christian lifestyle blog and online bakery! We are a community of God’s Royal Priesthood: intentionally standing out and standing up for righteousness in OUR generation! 

We are not perfect, yet striving to be, with the power of the Holy Spirit Who lives within us. Worshipping God in spirit and in truth, in the understanding that we ourselves are spirit just living in flesh, in anticipation of the blessed return of our Savior! If our time on earth is temporary, intentional daily worship is required of us- and Worshipping is sacrifice. Not sacrificing our lives, but instead making our lives a LIVING SACRIFICE!

I am so excited to start this journey with all of you! Join the family as we seek God while He may be found and enjoy some sweet treats along the way! #GenerationJESUS

I hope you stick with me on this journey and join the Royal Fam as we explore living these Sweet Lives together as children of the Most High King!

-Worship with me @Christ Glory International Ministries

-Follow me on all social media platforms! @SweetTasteofRoyalty

-Subscribe to our mailing list and join the royal family!

-Add music to our shared Spotify Playlist!

~Stay Sweet, Royals!

A Cake, Your Crown, The Cross- It’s all you need

My first ever cake success-ish

A Cake– Professional Baker

As a new baker, sharing my mistakes and successes on different recipes and decorating styles will help other beginner bakers grow their skills at the same time I am. Stay motivated! We can do this, it’s just going to take some time.


Royalty is my Identity. Servant-hood is my Assignment. Intimacy with God is my life source.      ~Bill Johnson

My Crown– Royals aren’t Born, they’re Made

Characteristics of Royalty include Patience, Confidence, Inner and Outer Beauty, Love for others, Selflessness and a whole bunch more! We’re all Different in amazing ways that make us unique. That is how we stand out!


CGIM Annual Church Retreat to Mt. Jumonville, PA

The Cross– Kingdom Promoter

Developing a relationship with Christ and discovering who the Bible tells me I am is my inspiration in helping others discover themselves in Christ. We have to shine the Light He gave us! If not You, then who?!

You are not alone on this life journey. Join our family today!

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